



Save-the-date for 的 第32届展会VIP日
上午10点至下午2点- 5至14岁

VIPs will receive free admission and rides, lunch, swag bag and a 4-H escort.                  VIPs must be Montgomery County residents and be able to attend the fair on Aug 12.
If you know of children who have not previously been a VIP and would benefit from this special program, 请致电查尔斯·巴特勒240777-6884或发邮件给查尔斯.Butler@montgomerycountymd.请求申请.

Event Location: Montgomery County Agricultural Fairgrounds



的 goal of this summer bulletin is to provide you with information on some of the internal and external events during this summer that are specifically designed for families who have children with an IEP throughout Montgomery County, MD.

If you would like to learn more about an event or share information on other workshops or organizations, 请通过FamilySupport@mcpsmd与FSC联系.org



新的辅助专业人员双重认证计划 in 威尼斯官网在线

Towson University is starting a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and 特殊教育, Dual Certification Program, for eligible paraprofessionals 目前受雇于威尼斯官网在线. 美国政府, 就其本身而言, will pay the remaining tuition cost of the program for all participants not covered by the 威尼斯官网在线 tuition contribution.

在新的倡议下, 将持续到2028财年, 美国政府将资助两组学生,每组最多20名学生, with the degree program designed to equip paraprofessionals with the necessary skills and credentials to transition into certified teachers. 参与者均为威尼斯官网在线的在职员工, each of whom will continue in their current paid 威尼斯官网在线 positions while enrolled. A mix of in-person and remote learning instruction will be provided, with all in-person instruction taking place on the 美国政府 campus in 罗克维尔市.







Ms. 戴安娜K. 怀尔斯,副警司:    (240) 740-3042 

Ms. 布伦达B. 布朗,副警司助理: (240) 740-3038 

夫人. 基亚·米德尔顿-墨菲,主管: (240) 740-3900

Division of 特殊教育 Prekindergarten, Programs and 服务
夫人. 艾丽卡W. 威廉姆斯,导演: (240) 740-3880 

夫人. 朱莉年代. 大厅,导演: (240) 740-3850 

Ms. 乔安妮·C. 霍夫曼,主管: (240) 740-3830

决议 & 合规部门
Mr. 杰拉尔德·L. Loiacono,主管: (240) 740-3230 

Ms. MaryBeth Mantzouranis: (240) 753-9487

MSDE家庭支持 部分 家庭支援及争议解决科, 回应家长的查询, assists parents with navigating Maryland's early intervention and special education systems, 并为家长提供学校系统的资源. 


Mr. 肯·赫多克,家庭支持服务部科长:(410) 767-0255或Kenneth.hudock@maryland.政府 



的 Mission of the 特殊教育办公室 (OSE) is to provide, 实现, and monitor the delivery of a seamless continuum of services for students with disabilities from birth through age 21, 为上大学做准备, 职业生涯, 社区准备. OSE supports schools to ensure the success of every student with disabilities by supporting families through the IEP process and in their student’s education.

威尼斯官网在线 provides a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) to all students with disabilities in need of special education and related services. 




አማርኛ | 中文 | 法语 | 한국어 | 西班牙语 | tiếng Việt

In support of the core values of the 威尼斯官网在线 strategic planning framework and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA), OSE is committed to promoting improved academic achievement and social emotional success for all students with disabilities. 父母/guardians are valued partners with school staff members in planning the student’s services through the Individualized Education Program (IEP) decision-making process. All decisions regarding the placement of a student with a disability will be made by an IEP team in collaboration with parents/guardians consistent with the requirements of the 联邦残疾人教育法.



威尼斯官网在线家庭支持中心 寻求:

  • Increase parental involvement in the early intervention and special education decision making process.
  • Increase collaborative relationships through information and training.
  • Assist families in resolving concerns and making informed decisions regarding their child's education.
  • Provide information about disabilities and school system and community resources.


MSDE家庭支持科 家庭支援及争议解决科, 回应家长的查询, assists parents with navigating Maryland's early intervention and special education systems, 并为家长提供学校系统的资源.

家长康复服务指引 (英语)|  西班牙语





特殊教育 State Complaint 决议 Procedures

阿姆哈拉语 | 阿拉伯语 |  中国人 |  法国 |  海地 |  朝鲜文 |

波兰的 |  葡萄牙语 |  俄罗斯 |  西班牙语 |  塔加拉族语 |  乌尔都语 |  越南


阿姆哈拉语 | 阿拉伯语 |  中国人 |  法国 |  海地 |  朝鲜文 |
波兰|  葡萄牙语 |  俄罗斯 |  西班牙语 |  塔加拉族语 |  乌尔都语  越南

州投诉表格- C部分


阿姆哈拉语 | 阿拉伯语 |  中国人 |  法国 |  海地 |  朝鲜文 | 波兰|
葡萄牙语|俄语| 西班牙语 他加禄语|乌尔都语|越南语

Listing of Free or Low Cost Assistance for 特殊教育 Disputes

A Parent’s Guide to Frequently Asked Questions about 特殊教育 State Complaints

A Parent's Guide to Frequently Asked Questions about 特殊教育 Mediation

阿姆哈拉语 | 阿拉伯语 |  中国人 |  法国 |  海地 |  朝鲜文 |
波兰的 |  葡萄牙语 |  俄罗斯 |  西班牙语 |  塔加拉族语 |  乌尔都语 |  越南

A Parent's Guide to Frequently Asked Questions about 特殊教育 Due Process Complaints

阿姆哈拉语 | 阿拉伯语 |  中国人 |  法国 |  海地 |  朝鲜文 |

波兰的 |  葡萄牙语 |  俄罗斯 |  西班牙语 |  塔加拉族语 |  乌尔都语 |  越南

Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation Incident Reporting 

收到后 威尼斯官网在线 Form 230-35, Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation Reporting Form, the school principal/designee must promptly conduct an adequate, 可靠的, 公正的调查. 的 investigation must be documented by completing this form. 校长/指定人必须使用此表格, 威尼斯官网在线 Form 230-36, Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation Investigation Form, to promptly and appropriately investigate reports of bullying, 骚扰, 或者恐吓符合正当法律程序的权利, within two school days after receipt of a reporting form or as timely as possible for school administration or administrative designee.