



  • 学生 currently in grades 8-11 who submitted applications for high school programs - results will be shared beginning Monday, January 29, 2024. 阅读更多»
  • Grade 8 学生 and Families participating in the DCC Choice Process -第二轮结果于2024年3月中旬寄出. 阅读更多»
  • Grade 8 学生 and Families particicpating in the NEC Choice Process -第二轮结果于2024年3月中旬寄出. 阅读更多»
  • 五年级学生和家庭 - The MSMC Choice Process results for Round 2 were mailed in mid-March 2024. 阅读更多»
  • 五年级学生和家庭 - The Central Review Process for middle school enrichment and the Criteria Based Regional Magnet programs results were shared the week of January15, 2024. 阅读更多»
  • 三年级学生和家庭 -四年级的中央检讨程序 & 5 literacy enrichment and the Centers for Enriched Studies (CES) lottery results were mailed on April 9, 2024. 阅读更多»
  • Kindergarten Families Interested in One-Way Immersion Programs - The Immersion admission process opened February 1, 2024 and will close on April 19, 2024. 阅读更多» 


威尼斯官网在线 offers a range of elementary, middle and high school programming. Most 学生 attend their local schools where there are many programs available. 学生 may also be eligible for regional/countywide programs at other schools in the county that are offered to meet unique interests or programmatic needs. 父母 and 学生 are encouraged to learn about all of their options, both local school and regional/countywide programs, 最大化他们的学习经验. 入学标准可能适用.



Elementary program options include world language immersion programs and the Centers for Enriched Studies. Two-Way immersion programs are local programs for 学生 who reside within the boundaries of the identified schools.  Elementary One-Way world language immersion programs are regional programs that begin in Kindergarten. Entry into the Centers for Enriched Studies programs begins in Grade 4.




Middle school programs include interest and criteria-based options. Entry into the 中学 Magnet Consortium begins in Grade 6 or 7. Entry into the middle school regional programs begins in Grade 6. Entry into the middle school immersion programs occur when a vacancy exists in Grade 6.




高中 options include interest-based and criteria-based programs. There are programs for 学生 entering high school as well as for those already in high school. 应用程序s for any of these programs must be submitted in the fall of the current grade level for the following school year. Programs that begin in Grade 9 are full time programs. Programs beginning in grades 10-12 are part-time programs; 学生 take core courses at the local high school, 这个项目在校外授课.

  • Full time regional, countywide programs - Apply in Fall of Grade 8
  • Part time regional, countywide programs- Apply in fall of Grade 9, 10, or 11 

我们从哪里开始?? 我们如何申请?

Begin by exploring the options at your local school. All of our schools offer art, technology, enrichment, and extracurricular needs. Most 学生 find that their local school meets their academic needs and provides opportunities to explore many interests. 除了, parents and 学生 should also consider the following as they explore regional/countywide options:

  • 学生的兴趣和学术需求
  • 换学校,交新朋友
  • 由于交通原因,工作时间更长 
  • 加入一个新的学校社区 

There is an admission process for these programs which is either interest (lottery) or criteria-based (multiple measures). 录取程序因课程和水平而异. Please carefully review the admission process for each program. The majority of the regional/countywide programs require the student to attend the host school full time. Programs for rising Grade 10, 11, and 12 学生 are primarily part time.The admission process for all regional/countrywide programs occurs the year prior to student enrollment.

 For additional information about the admission process at each level visit: 



Additional resources include contacting your school counselor, teachers and the administrative staff. Parent/student information meetings are scheduled each year along with school-based opportunities to showcase options to 学生.



For general questions about programs and admissions, contact your student’s counselor. Your counselor has received an overview of program and admission options for 学生 at their school.


Contact the program staff listed on the website or Department of 大学 and 职业准备 and Districtwide Programs at 240-740-4000.


Contact the Division of Consortia Choice and 应用程序 Program Services at DCCAPS@mcpsmd.org or 240-740-7800.


威尼斯官网在线 Elementary Immersion 项目信息 Session – Winter 2023

Centros de Estudios Enriquecidos y Servicios de las Escuelas Elementales Locales - Año 2024-2025